Welcome to Grade 5!

September 2023


        5th Grade is a transitional year, or what I like to call the "bridge year". It is the "bridge" between elementary school to that of Middle School. It is a year of not only learning but that of preparation to the expectations of Middle School. It is a year of preparing and developing the necessary skills that are needed to be successful in the grades that follow. 

      During the time here at St.Matthew School and within 5th grade your child can expect a year filled with many great learning adventures. A year filled with many wonderful educational activities that will challenge their minds and deepen their understanding of many things. It is a year that stimulate and motivate your child's God-given talents.

  Hers's an overview of what that looks like....

 In Religion, our focus  is on the Seven Sacraments. Here we will delve into the words, actions, and symbols associated with them.  In addition, we have the wonderful opportunity to explore our celebration of the Eucharist by looking more closely at The Parts of the Mass. Despite learning and deepening our relationship with God, Religion is not without Projects. Our first project students will get to learn more about the lives of saints as they select and research one of their own and share their information on All Saint's Day. And a perfect Christmas Project is the creation of Mini Nativity Scenes.

 In Mathematics we will develop and enhance the foundation built in 4th grade. Here we will use higher level thinking when applying mathematical concepts in solving problems. we will also be doing some Project Based Learning(PBL) to demonstrate that understanding.

 In Language Arts which is comprised of Reading, Writing, Grammar, and Spelling there is so many wonderful things done. For starters we read NOVEL STUDIES!! We read amazing novels as we develop reading strategies and skills. We read classics like Because of Winn-Dixie; The Lion, the Witch; and the Wardrobe; The One ad Only Ivan; Number the Stars; Walk Two Moons, and may others. We also read nonfiction through the use of StoryWorks Magazine. In Writing we look at all genres as well write paragraphs and stories. Our biggest project comes in April(National Poetry Month)where students create their own Poetry Books will illustrations. This is a big hit!!

 As for areas like Science and Social Studies we learn about important topics with the use of Interactive Notebooks, STREAM or Makerspace Activities as well as Hands on Labs. 

 So, fifth grade will be a remarkavle and memorable for your child. They will blossom and grow academically. They will wonder and question; investigate and search for answers. They will love learning and develop a love of both reading and writing. And most importantly, they will take their God-given talents and become extraordinary people.


Describe your education and teaching experience. Personal details can be added if you wish!

Contact Me!

Alicia Mazzone [email protected]