July 2024

With heavy hearts, we share that we’ve learned that Mr. Mark Monnerat, friend and partner in Bristol Catholic Schools, has passed away.

Mr. Monnerat was an accomplished and well-respected leader, teacher, and coach, most recently having served as Principal of St. Joseph School for almost 30 years. Prior to his time at SJS, Mr. Monnerat was a beloved teacher and coach at SMS. He was also the brother of our late Pastor, Father Brian Monnerat.

We extend our most sincere condolences to the Monnerat family and all those who were lead, taught, and inspired by Mr. Monnerat. Catholic education in Bristol is better because of his passion and tireless commitment to our shared mission. We rejoice in the strong foundation he has left for us today.

Eternal rest grant unto Mark, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen!

St. Matthew, pray for us! St. Joseph, pray for us!

For more pictures of Mr. Monnerat at SMS through the years, please peruse our yearbooks through 1987.